We help school leaders address questions like:
“How can we help all our students, regardless of their background, trust our school and feel that they belong and are respected here?”
As we grow up, we try, both consciously and unconsciously, to work out what we should do with our lives. Society is full of cues that suggest possible answers. Unfortunately, for many, these cues suggest that certain paths in life are not for “people like me.”
For some school students, this can mean facing psychological barriers, such as a lack of sense of belonging at school, that others do not. There is a growing recognition that these barriers have a big impact on outcomes such as attendance, behaviour and attainment.
We are social psychologists at the University of Sussex who are part of a global network of researchers finding new ways to understand and address these barriers. We help school leaders turn this research into practical steps to tackle the specific barriers that their students are facing.
We offer tailored, practical support to school leaders over an extended period, in three stages.
If you are a leader in a school, local authority or multi-academy trust and would like to explore the possibility of working with us, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!
We use data-driven strategies to identify any psychological barriers that are contributing to inequalities in the school’s pupils’ attendance, behaviour and attainment. Read more
In an interactive workshop with the school’s senior leadership team, we deepen understanding of these psychological barriers, and work together to design practical actions to target them. Read more
Using the ideas generated in the workshop, we help a designated member of the team develop a concrete action plan. We provide hands-on, practical, long-term support to implement and evaluate this. Read more
“Brisk, informative, challenging. The afternoon workshop / action planning was properly difficult and a good experience.”
- Headteacher
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